Under the support from the Special Assistance Programme (SAP) of the UGC, the Department has been able to purchase a large number of books. These books, essential and recent writings on history, are housed in the SAP library in the Department. Under the UGC Programme of Universities with Potential for Excellence (UPE) the Department procures and strengthens infrastructural facilities. It has also been able to support the subscription of several foreign and Indian journals in the discipline of History. The Archival Cell in the Department contains several private papers of individuals who participated in the freedom movement. The Department also has an archaeological museum containing antiquities representing artefacts from stone ages to late medieval period.
Computer Lab for students of MA, M.Phil and Ph.D:
The Department of History has a Computer Laboratory with 12 computers and a printer. All the students of the Department have free access to the lab.
Reading Room for research students:
All the M.Phil and Ph.D students are provided with a common reading room in the Department. The room is equipped with computers, Xerox machine cum printer, and some essential books.